Saturday, June 21, 2008

Potty Talk

So the latest and greatest on my little peanut is that she is the best kid ever! Yes, I said ever. About a month or so ago I bought her a potty chair. I figured that I would give it the ole' college try since I'm at home with her all day. I occasionally will put her on the big potty after a nap or first thing in the morning and she's a champ -- tinkle, tinkle. NOW, what mom wouldn't get excited about that ??? Now, there have been many false pee pee alarms but I've gotta say she is trying really hard to pee like a big girl. Now before everyone gets excited, I'm well aware that she could lose her interest altogether and prefer her butt "pampered", but I figure it can't hurt exposing her either. Now I'll spend the rest of the week preparing for Sami's first big birthday basherama. Okay, its not really a basherama but doesn't THAT sound so much more fun? I'll fill you in the details later along with some birthday photo's.

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